Eesti Linnajooksud



Welcome to the 2024 Tallinn Marathon, Estonia's premier running event, celebrating a milestone year with the 35th anniversary of the marathon and 25th for the 10 km race.


This prestigious World Athletics Label competition brings runners worldwide to the heart of Estonia. Immerse yourself in a one-lap route around Tallinn’s UNESCO World Heritage-listed Old Town, combining majestic views with rich history.


Open to all - from seasoned marathoners to spirited 10 km beginners - the Tallinn Marathon is a combination of challenge, beauty, and warm hospitality.


Join us in this historic celebration! Register and experience the spirit, the community, and the triumph of the Tallinn Marathon.

Suurjooks ümber Viljandi järve

Kuressaare Linnajooks

Narva Linna Jooks

Eesti Ööjooks - Rakvere

Maardu City Run

Jüri Jaansoni Kahe Silla Jooks

Tallinna Maraton

Viking Window Paide-Türi Rahvajooks

Tartu Linnamaraton


Tallinn Marathon medals are decorated with the national bird of Estonia


The race track of Tallinn Marathon, the biggest international running festival in Estonia, is once again single-lap


The Tallinn Marathon will once again paint the Estonian capital in blue-black-white

"The Tallinn half-marathon arrangements were superb, and the course was the best in its history. The weather and nice local people cheering were great! Very professional. Great advertising of Tallinn and Estonia - made me dream of living and working there!"

The chosen running track was fantastic! I was pleasantly surprised by how much nature is there in Tallinn. Was great to see the seaside and so many parks around the city."



"A beautiful Old town and a well-kept city, and of course, the perfect organization of the event and an interesting route were my favorite part of the Tallinn Marathon."



"The route was wonderful. The crowds along the way were so encouraging. The event was brilliantly organized. The pre-event information was good. Collecting the running number and timing tag was good. Free transport was appreciated. The beautifully sculpted medal was exceptional!"



Suurjooks ümber Viljandi järve
Kuressaare linnajooks
Eesti Ööjooks - Rakvere 2024
Narva Linna Jooks
Maardu City Run 2024
Jüri Jaansoni Kahe Silla Jooks
Tallinna Maraton
Viking Window Paide-Türi Rahvajooks
Tartu Linnamaraton
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