Special buses to Narva
- Narva City Run will arrange transport by private buses to and from Narva from two destinations: Tallinn and Tartu.
- The destination of the buses will be near the competition centre in Narva. The exact location will be specified on the website and in the important information for participants as the event approaches.
- Passenger registration is required for the bus trip. Registration is open until places are available or until Thursday 30 May at 15:00.
- To register, fill in the form here.
- The cost of the trip is €10 one way. Tickets can be purchased on the bus for cash ONLY. We kindly ask you to use cash in the exact currency.
- Narva City Run is not responsible for items left in the buses or their return. Please make sure that you take all personal items with you when you get off the bus.
- If for any reason you do not wish to be transported, please cancel your reservation by emailing jooks@jooks.ee.
Special buses from Tallinn, passing through Rakvere bus station and Kohtla-Järve Art School station.
Departure at 5:30 from the Teatri väljak parking lot located opposite the Estonian National Opera (from bus 24 stop), arrival in Narva at 9:00; departure back to Tallinn at 15:00.
Departure from the Rakvere bus station at 7:00, departure from the Kohtla-Järve Art School station at 8:10.
Departure at 8:15 from the Teatri väljak parking lot located opposite the Estonian National Opera (from bus 24 stop), arrival in Narva at 11:45; departure back to Tallinn at 15:30.
Departure from the Rakvere bus station at 9:45, departure from the Kohtla-Järve Art School station at 10:55.
Special bus from Tartu, passing through Jõhvi and Sillamäe bus stations.
Departure at 6:00 from the lower parking lot of Tartu Vanemuine Theatre, arrival in Narva at 9:00; departure back to Tartu at 15:00.
Departure from the Jõhvi bus station at 7:50, departure from the Sillamäe bus station at 8:25.